Tuesday, 20 January 2015

St. Francis Did Turn To De Lord

St Francis did turn to de Lord
And fanked him such a lot
For all de dogs wud be adored
But ders one we havent got!

De Lord did say you gots all breeds
Wot more is der to do?
Surely dis is all you needs,
Dey all dus loving too?

St. Francis carried on dis tork
And de Lord did lend his ear!
For miles and miles dey bofe did walk,
And den it did appear!

In His mind de Lord did see
Just wot de world dus need,
Sumfing dat forever wud be
De bestest of de bestest breed!

So de Lord did set abowt dis task,
Feeling all de merrier.
And wen St. Francis stopped to ask,
He handed him a Border Terrier!

And dus de bestest breed wos borned! 

You Hoomans Wot Dus Steal Pets

You hoomans wot dus steal pets
Is monsters throo and throo!
But one fing you can always bets
Is sum day we'll find you!

We dus choose our peeple so
Wiv dem we dus belong
And dis is sumfing dat you know
Yet still you dus do rong!

Wot evil dus possess your mind
Wen you do dis monstrous act?
Surpassing all dat is unkind,
You is horrid and dats a fact!

You hoomans wot dus steal pets
And takes dem far away,
Ders one fing you can always bets,
Every dog will have its day!

Yes we will you horrid hoomans wot steal pets!

Wotever shadows shield your hart
Darkening your forts,
However long we is apart,
One day you'll all be cort! 

Hoomans wot dus steal pets is disgusting! 

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Je Suis Bert Le Barde

Je Suis Bert le Barde,
Je suis Charlie too;
We is also sickened
By wot sum hoomans do!
We listen to de news
And hear our hoomans cry,
We howls dat we bemused
And also we ask why!

Je Suis Bert le barde,
Je suis Charlie too,
Disgusted and revolted
By wot sum hoomans do!
We finks dey is de bane
Of every preshuss life,
Using religion again, 
Terrorists causing strife!

Je suis Bert le barde,
Je suis Charlie too,
Sumtimes it's very hard
To see de gudness hoomans do!
We is saddened dat you fites
And sum is just so crool,
Destroying your own rites,
Breaking your own rools!

Je suis Bert le barde,
Je suis Charlie too,
Etre solidaires 
Is wot you all must do!
If togevver you unite,
Togevver you stand a chance,
Of acheeving wot is rite,
Vive la France!


Dis Badge Is More Dan A Badge

Dis badge is more dan a badge,
Dis badge is part of me,
Dis badge I proudly wear
Dus says wot I dus be.

Dis badge is more dan a badge,
It's bruvver and sisterhood.
Dis badge wiv love I wear,
Depicting all dat's gud.

Dis badge is more dan a badge,
It's a symbol dat unites,
Dis BT Posse badge,
Representing all dat's rite!

Dis badge is more dan a badge,
Dis badge I wear wiv pride,
And all wot wear dis badge,
Dus forever stand side by side!

I dus loves my badge!