Thursday 28 April 2022

Things I Like To Look At

Things I like to look at,

There are many and a few,

Like if you looks at me,

I will look at you!

Things I like to look at,

I look at them so well,

Like when you do the cooking,

I like to watch that smell.

Things I like to look at,

Is sometimes what you say,

Like when your words are ‘dinner’

I run to look your way!

Things I like to look at,

Is some things you don’t see,

I like to look them up and down,

And growl what they might be!

Things I like to look at,

Is when you isn’t there,

Like when you goes out shopping,

I does wait and stare.

Monday 30 August 2021

Sonnet Number 3 (Tiddling)

When you want to tiddle,

You need to drink some more,

Ignore them when they niggle

As they waiting at the door.

Just place your snout upon the ground,

Go sniffs your whole domain.

Take your time, walk round and round,

In sunshine, snow or rain.

Then go and check the flower pots,

Or chase the birds and bees.

You’ve plenty time to tiddle lots,

At least a hundred wees!

And finally after an hour or more,

Go tiddle on the tiddles from the day before.

(Don’t let your peoples rush you when you go out to tiddle. They don’t understand the things we need to do before we tiddle. It’s a very serious procedure that we must follow)

Sunday 29 August 2021

Listen To Me

When my brittle old bones no longer yield,

And my faithful soul no more a shield.

Heartbeats barely breaking through,

Begging you to do what you must do,

Listen to me.

When my bark is nothing but a muffled cry,

And your desperate encouragement passes me by,

My youth long gone and this we both know,

Have faith in me and let me go,

Because I listen to you.

When I can’t respond to the words you say,

Breaking your heart when I turn away,

Faltering breathing entrenching the air,

I know your love will always be there,

But listen to me.

When my clouded eyes are seeking peace,

And the Rainbow Bridge is my only release,

Take away my pain, don’t clutch at straws,

Just kiss me again and hold my paws,

And let me go.

And as you wander that lonely track,

Wishing to God you could bring me back,

Mortality lives and thus life ends,

But eternally we will be best friends,

Because you listened to me.

(This is with loves and happy memories of my Chow Chow sisters and all four paws what haves gone over the Rainbow Bridge)

Thursday 19 July 2018

Retirement With My Grandhoomans!

There comes a time in an old fellas life
When without puppies, partner or wife,
His thoughts and thinking does thinks of change
And how his life could be rearranged.

I does loves my mum with all my heart
But longer are the days we spend apart.
She has to work and do silly people stuff
And for little old me, enough is enough!

I know a place where I can wile away the hours,
Lying in the grass and tiddling on the flowers;
The old peoples house is very much my home,
That's where I want to be, where I want to roam.

With all the treats and Chow Chows to play,
No more do I endure my mums working day.
Laid back lazy mornings and cuddly snuggle up nights,
I hereby does declare, that these are my rights!

With the bestest Grandhoomans, I does now retire,
Because with them I does shares the very same desire.
But I do thanks to my mum for hearing my voice,
For loving me enough to let me make my choice.

Saturday 13 May 2017

Dear Mrs May

Dear Mrs May,
Today you made me sad,
I heard what you did say
And I thinks it's very bad!

In this world that humans rule,
Us animals always lose out.
How can you be so cruel?
Does you know what fox hunting is about?

There are many traditions of old
That I'm sure you would forsake.
Like the times that women were told
They were witches and burned at the stake!

Could you please try and be a nice lady
And keep hunting forever banned?
Because then perhaps and maybe,
You'll be worthy of ruling our land!

Us four pawed pals also belong,
Though our people have the final vote!
Mrs May, fox hunting is wrong!
So please please take note!

Fox hunting is very naughty and cruel Mrs May! Please stop it!

Love from,

Bert x
(A very caring little Border Terrier)

Saturday 29 October 2016

Just For A Moment (Written by my mum)

Choked by the smoke
That covers the dead,
He clawed his way out of a trench,
And just for a moment
He looked ahead
With his fists tightly clenched.
Grinding his teeth, his rounded eyes
Followed his wandering mind,
And just for a moment I heard him cry,
'Can't you see, can't you see I am blind?'
And carved on his headstone,
A well versed caption,
It clearly reads -
'This soldier died in action.'

Drowned in the dirt
That buries the dead,
Determined to be man.
For just a moment
He charged ahead
Waving a gun in his hand.
Gritting his teeth, a fervid frown
Shooting across his face,
And at that moment before he went down,
He cried, 'I have won! I have won the bloody race!'
And carved on his headstone
Where many have cried,
It clearly reads -
'As a hero he died.'

Taunted by the filth
Decomposing the dead
Shattered shell-shocked nerves,
Just for a moment
He turned his head
Against all he had sworn to serve.
His chattering teeth, tasting tears,
Shivering through his bones,
And just for a moment his eighteen years
Were reduced to a cry, 'Take me home'.
And carved on his headstone,
Weathered and worn,
We cowardly mutter -
'This boy was shot at dawn.'

Rhiannon Fox

Fings Wot Dus Annoy Me

Fings wot dus annoy me
Dus indeed annoy,
Like wen grandma takes away
My very favourite toy!
She puts it in the wash
And round and round it goes,
Making it all squash,
Ears, face and nose.

Fings wot dus annoy me
Is very annoying indeed, 
Like wen I goes on walkies,
Mum tugs upon my lead.
Sqwizzels, rabbits and rats,
I sniffs them all out there,
But she always pulls me back
And this just issent fair!

Fings wot dus annoy me
Dus sumtimes make me mad,
Like wen mum dus leave without me
Not finking that it's bad!
Then wen she dus comes back,
Knowing she shud have stayed in,
She says, "Who the heck did that?",
Ungrateful I've sorted out the bin!

Fings wot dus annoy me,
I also finks is rude,
Like wen mum dus sits in front of me
Eating all her food.
Although I have had mine,
I finks that she shud share,
This wud be most kind
And very very fair!

Fings wot dus annoy me,
Dus sumtimes make me bark,
Like dogs not on their leads
Bullying me in the park!
I always have to be wary
Wen others break the rules,
And I find it very scary
Cos their people is such fools!

All these fings dus annoy me and other fings too!

Friday 14 October 2016

Chasing Cats Is Important Work

Chasing cats is important work,
A vital role one must not shirk;
Although I love my own little cat
His species name does rhyme with RAT!

When you does walkies down the street
Look under cars for feline feet,
Round the corners and behind the plants,
That's where you'll spy littel spiteful pants.

And when your eyes does spot the sight,
You knows your skills did get it right!
But them cats does likes to stop and stare,
So hold your nerve and stand right there.

Cats can jump and scratch and bite,
Cats doesn’t do a gentlemanly fight!
Cats does try to possess your mind,
Cats is naughty, mean and not kind.

Timing is the key so time with care,
Cos cats can suddenly be not there.
But when you is ready release your brave
And learn them cats how to behave!

Saturday 21 May 2016

Forgive Me?

Forgive me when I scratch and bite,
Lashing out at you and crying all night,
My vocalisations doing nought but swear.
It's simply because you were not there!
Forgive me?

Forgive me when I wander alone
And for hours and hours I don't come home.
I care nothing for your solace or peace,
I need my freedom, my soul released. 
Forgive me?

Forgive me when I sit and stare
And claw your heart without a care,
Then kneeding you upon your knee,
Needing to know you are there just for me.
Forgive me?

Forgive me when I forget to trust
Yet knowing you now I know that I must.
But memories haunting and hauntings go on,
I'm haunted by those who did me wrong.
Forgive them?

Forgive me when I scatter my tray,
Adding to your chores and jobs for the day.
Begging for food, habits don't die.
Please forgive me and never ask why.
Just forgive me.

Forgive me for being dumped on the street,
It's not the way that anyone should meet!
Desperate, lonely and out of my mind;
Yet I forgive you and all of your kind.
Can you forgive you?

(This is a guest post ritten by my cat Charles Henry wot was a abandoned kitten and I did looks after him) 

Thursday 5 November 2015

I Asked My Naughty Little Cat Oh Why Is You So Bad!

I asked my naughty little cat
"Oh why is you so bad"
And he replied "Do not say that,
You don't know the life I've had."
He said that lonely on the streets
His people left him there,
And he did learn about mistreats
And how hoomans doesn’t care!

He said that he did cry each night,
Frightened, hungry and cold,
Thinking that this wrong was right 
Cos he was never told!
But when a smiley kind man came,
Enticing him with food,
He thought it might just be a game
But to refuse it would be rude

He said that moment it did start,
With that kind mans gentle touch,
His firstest purr came from his heart 
And he liked it very much.
And then to me that man did come
Snuggling my naughty cat,
Then he gave him to my mum,
And thats the end of that!

But again I asked my naughty cat 
"Why is you naughty and bad?".
"By now you should be over that,
Given the love you've had?".
He stared a stare and did reply;
"Some things I does regret",
And with a tear in his eye,
He said, "I'll be good when time let’s me forget".