Thursday 19 July 2018

Retirement With My Grandhoomans!

There comes a time in an old fellas life
When without puppies, partner or wife,
His thoughts and thinking does thinks of change
And how his life could be rearranged.

I does loves my mum with all my heart
But longer are the days we spend apart.
She has to work and do silly people stuff
And for little old me, enough is enough!

I know a place where I can wile away the hours,
Lying in the grass and tiddling on the flowers;
The old peoples house is very much my home,
That's where I want to be, where I want to roam.

With all the treats and Chow Chows to play,
No more do I endure my mums working day.
Laid back lazy mornings and cuddly snuggle up nights,
I hereby does declare, that these are my rights!

With the bestest Grandhoomans, I does now retire,
Because with them I does shares the very same desire.
But I do thanks to my mum for hearing my voice,
For loving me enough to let me make my choice.

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