I nuzzel her noze but she dusent speak.
So wiv respect, my tail low,
Off to my toy box I dus go.
Praps squeaky or bone will make her well
And wot ever is de matter
She mite tell.
So I push chewy ted in her paw
Finking it's time for sum tug-o-war.
She wipes her eyes and wiv a smile
She says she'll play in a little while.
Den I see de photo wot made her sad,
And fink she's missing my bruvva
Wot we once had!
So wiv my eyes I dus explain
She must no more feel dis pain,
Cos in de Happy Hunting Ground,
One day,
We'll all be togever again!
Iz pawfik my pal....is onner to haz yoo az poit to da posse