Sunday, 2 November 2014

One Day We'll Be Togever Again

I don't no why her eyes dus leak,
I nuzzel her noze but she dusent speak.
So wiv respect, my tail low,
Off to my toy box I dus go.
Praps squeaky or bone will make her well
And wot ever is de matter 
She mite tell.
So I push chewy ted in her paw
Finking it's time for sum tug-o-war.
She wipes her eyes and wiv a smile
She says she'll play in a little while.
Den I see de photo wot made her sad,
And fink she's missing my bruvva
Wot we once had!
So wiv my eyes I dus explain
She must no more feel dis pain,
Cos in de Happy Hunting Ground,
One day, 
We'll all be togever again!

1 comment:

  1. Iz pawfik my onner to haz yoo az poit to da posse
